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AMATS 2040 Planning Data Forecast Now Available

One of the most fundamental steps in the regional transportation planning process is the collection, organization and analysis of existing planning-related data. Using this data, the Akron Metropolitan Area Transportation Study (AMATS) can determine where we have been (from a social-economic standpoint), the greater Akron region’s current conditions, and perhaps most critical to any planning effort, in what direction we are heading.

Although the most commonly used data items (ex. population or employment data) are gathered and analyzed on an ongoing basis, a greatly expanded effort is undertaken in preparation for each upcoming long-range regional transportation plan. For this reason, the AMATS 2040 Planning Data Forecast has been completed as a necessary precursor to the upcoming long-range plan, Transportation Outlook 2040. In addition to the long-range plan, this data is used for forecasting traffic volumes, which in turn are used for traffic congestion studies, air quality planning and in roadway design efforts.