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What's New

Road Diet Analysis Now Available

A road diet is a useful low cost tool to improve safety and integrate multiple modes of travel.

A road diet reduces the number of travel lanes on a roadway and then adjusts or reassigns the space for other uses and travel modes.  The most common road diet reconfiguration is the conversion of a four lane roadway into a three lane roadway made up of two through lanes and a center two-way left-turn lane.  Remaining space can be allocated for bicycle lanes, pedestrian refuge islands, transit bus stops or on-street parking.

The Road Diet Analysis:

  • Defines and provides a visual explanation of the road diet concept,
  • Discusses the benefits of applying a road diet
  • Identifies preexisting road diet locations in the AMATS area,
  • Develops a methodology to identify potential road diet locations with reduced or declining traffic volumes in recent years, along with excess capacity, and
  • Recommends the further study and consideration of the road diet for safety and complete streets development.