AMATS is updating its Public Participation Plan or “3P,” but we need one key element to update this plan successfully: You!

As the Greater Akron area’s federally designated metropolitan planning organization, AMATS needs public participation as it selects which highway, public transit, bike, and pedestrian projects are worthy of receiving federal funds.

The 3P identifies the strategies that the agency uses to engage and empower the public throughout the regional transportation planning process.  Periodically, AMATS updates its 3P to identify and pursue new, innovative public participation approaches.  You are invited to share your ideas as to how we can improve our public outreach efforts.

The Draft 3P is available for review and comment from now until March 18 at and the AMATS Twitter and Facebook pages – @AMATSPlanning.  The AMATS Citizens Involvement Committee (CIC) will present the Draft 3P during its Thursday, Jan. 20 meeting at 6:30 p.m.  The CIC will meet in Meeting Room 1 of the Akron-Summit County Public Library – Main Library located at 60 South High Street in Akron.

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