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What's New

Northeast Ohio Regional Summit

Building One Ohio, an emerging coalition of local elected, business, labor, religious and educational leaders from middle-class communities, is organizing the Northeast Ohio Regional Summit, in cooperation with Building One America, a growing national organization and network of regional and statewide organizations.

The event will bring together local elected, civic and community leaders with state, and federal policy makers to seek bipartisan solutions to common challenges facing middle class communities around issues of housing, schools, transportation and water infrastructure investments. A major theme of this forum will be the federal surface transportation bill. The event will be from 10:00 a.m. (registration and coffee and light refreshments starting at 9:00) to 3:30 p.m. on June 6th at the Ehrnfelt Recreation and Senior Center 18100 Royalton Road. Registration is $20 ($5 for students), payable in advance on the conference website or at the door.

Featured speakers include Steve LaTourette, former Member of the United States Congress and head of the Republican Main Street Partnership, and David Rusk, a national expert who has worked extensively with state and federal policymakers on local government and regional issues.

Please contact Dr. Robert Kleidman, Cleveland State University, with any questions about the event or registration, at .

For more information, please click here.