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What's New

Public Participation Plan Available for Review and Comment

We Want to Hear from You! – The Akron Metropolitan Area Transportation Study (AMATS) announces that its Public Participation Plan or “3P” is available for review and comment. The Draft 3P is the agency’s update of its ongoing efforts to engage and involve the public in the Greater Akron area’s metropolitan transportation planning process. The Draft 3P will be available for public comment beginning on February 11, 2015.

Comments and suggestions regarding the DRAFT 3P – Public Participation Plan should be submitted to AMATS Public Information Coordinator Kerry Prater via email or at the following address:

Mr. Kerry Prater
Public Information Coordinator
806 Citicenter / 146 S. High Street
Akron, Ohio 44308

Your comments will be addressed in the Final 3P to be presented to the AMATS Policy Committee for consideration. We look forward to hearing from you regarding our Draft 3P!