If you’re interested in what the future holds for transportation in the Greater Akron area, then mark Thursday, March 18 on your calendar. That’s the day that AMATS will unveil the area’s Draft Transportation Outlook 2045 in a virtual public meeting.

Transportation Outlook 2045 is the Greater Akron area’s long-range plan that identifies regional transportation needs and presents recommendations for highway, public transportation, bike and pedestrian projects that should be pursued over the next 24 years. The new plan emphasizes preservation of the area’s existing transportation system rather than costly expansions. The plan also promotes sound regional land use strategies and development, pursues the integration of all transportation modes within the system, and increases mobility opportunities for all persons.

The Draft Transportation Outlook 2045 will be available for public comment from March 18 through May 12 on this web site and the AMATS Twitter and Facebook pages – @AMATSPlanning.  The March 18 virtual meeting of the AMATS Citizens Involvement Committee will present the draft plan at 6:30 p.m. If you want to join this meeting, please visit or call 330-375-2436 for more information.