If you’re interested in what the future holds for transportation in the Greater Akron area, then highlight March 10 through April 10 on your calendar. That’s when the area’s Draft Transportation Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 2024 Through 2027 (TIP) is available for public review and comment.
The TIP is the area’s program of highway, public transit, bike, and pedestrian projects that are scheduled to receive federal funds over the next four years. AMATS is reaching out to the public for their thoughts on the newest program.
The new TIP will be available for public comment from March 10 through April 10 on this website and the AMATS Twitter and Facebook pages. To view the Draft FY 2024-2027 TIP, you may click on the link above or click here. Please submit comments regarding the draft program to TIP Coordinator David Pulay via email at dpulay@akronohio.gov.
The draft program is also available for review at the AMATS office located in Suite 1300 of the PNC Center Building located at 1 Cascade Plaza in downtown Akron.
A virtual public meeting hosted by the AMATS Citizens Involvement Committee is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 16 to present the draft program. To participate in this virtual meeting, please click here to register before the meeting date or call 330-375-2436.