Akron Metropolitan Area Transportation Study
Thanks to AMATS, new cycling and pedestrian amenities may start blossoming in New Franklin and Akron soon. During its March 28 meeting, the AMATS Policy Committee…
March goes out like a lion with three new AMATS-funded projects.The AMATS Policy Committee approved more than $15.2 million in new funding for three major roadway projects…
The 2023 AMATS Annual Report was released by the agency Feb. 29 – Leap Day!The report highlights the agency’s accomplishments during 2023 such as the development of a new…
AMATS is currently working on an update to the Active Transportation Plan (ATP), and your assistance is needed. The link below will take you to an interactive map of…
he latest three-year analysis released by AMATS shows that Greater Akron area crash fatalities and fatal crashes began to drop in 2022 after reaching new highs during the…