Akron Metropolitan Area Transportation Study
The AMATS Policy Committee rang in the new year by approving more than $25.5 million in new funding for highway, resurfacing, and bike and pedestrian projects throughout the…
Applications are now available for AMATS seventh round of Connecting Communities Planning Grants. AMATS has made available $80,000 for two $40,000 planning grants with the…
The July-December 2023 issue of @AMATS includes a recap of October’s Annual Meeting, a feature detailing changes to the AMATS Funding Policy Guidelines, and items regarding…
AMATS begins its seventh round of funding today for the Connecting Communities Planning Grant Program. The Notice of Funding Available provides details for the types of…
Michelle May, the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) Highway Safety Program manager, was one of the featured speakers during the 2023 AMATS Annual Meeting.…